Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Raisin Juice Concentrate Why Do We Call It Prune Juice, Doesn't It Come From Plums, We Don't Call Grape Juice Raisin Juice Do We?

Why do we call it prune juice, doesn't it come from plums, we don't call grape juice raisin juice do we? - raisin juice concentrate

a prune is a dried plum, a raisin is a dried grape, you can not juice anything that is dried, whether we call grape juice, why do we call it prune juice?


Princess Buttercup said...

The grape juice from grapes, not raisins. Plum juice comes from Plums. Plum juice comes from Plums. Prune Prune and not vice versa.

Prunes are actually juicy. And if not, the water is to add them to make more juice.

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